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Your special division contacts

Develop a new accreditation scheme with Cofrac! This scheme defines the accreditation rules and requirements specific to each activity.

Do you have an accreditation project for an activity that you cannot find on our site? Let's discuss it together !
Cofrac is organised to help you in your approach and answer your questions.
Please contact the person in charge of development in the relevant division.

Certifications Division

Sandrine DUPIN

Development Manager (certification, verification, qualification bodies)


Inspection Division

Philippe CASSAN

Development Manager (inspection, legal metrology)



  Laboratories Division

Mathieu CHUST

Development Manager (tests, calibration, proficiency testing, reference materials)


  Healthcare Division

Support and Assessors Unit Manager, in charge of developing new accreditation schemes (laboratories in the healthcare field)


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accredited organization
To be accredited
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