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What are the benefits of accreditation ?

To obtain accreditation, the accreditation candidates must engage in a demanding process. Accreditation allows them, in particular, to accelerate their development.

Providing official recognition of competence, accreditation reassures customers, principals, consumers and patients about the level of trust they can have in the services carried out by the conformity assessment bodies. It provides assurance of their high degree of reliability and impartiality over time, thanks to regular assessments and observations.

Standing out from the competition

Sometimes, the public authorities need this for approval purposes, with accreditation serving as a differentiating criterion for RFPs or for getting listed with large companies in order to increase market share.

Developing internationally

Accreditation facilitates trade through the international recognition of the conformity certification operations that it offers, providing a common reference framework and limiting multiple inspections.

Unifying employees

The accreditation process allows staff to be more heavily involved in making the most of their skills, and constitutes a genuine management and motivation tool.


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