"Inspection" division
At Cofrac, our Inspection division accredits inspection offices and the bodies that verify, on behalf of the State, regulated measurement instruments according to standard ISO/IEC 17020.
In our division, in 2020:
- 759 entities were accredited in all, including 27 initial accreditations over the course of the year
- 711 assessments were conducted
- 20 employees
Our Inspection division at Cofrac is organised around two areas of expertise :
- Building-Industry-Services
- Environment-Transport-Legal metrology
Accreditation of inspection bodies, or "inspection offices"
Our Inspection division at Cofrac will be your sole point of contact throughout the accreditation process for your inspection office if it inspects, for example, high-risk industrial equipment, heavy vehicles, electrical installations or buildings. The inspection of food products, traded goods or commercial tourist accommodation is also managed by our teams in the Cofrac Inspection division.
Inspections are conducted at several stages of the life-cycle of products (design, production, in-service) or with regard to the industrial processes or data, for example, in relation to corporate social responsibility.
By playing a major role in the safety of goods and persons, and in matters of health care, environmental protection and quality, accredited inspection is a key factor in generating confidence among consumers, the supply chain and the public authorities.
Accreditation in legal metrology
Legal metrology ensures that the official weights and measures (time, weight, volume, etc.) associated with a commercial transaction are fair and precise. To this end, the regulations define the requirements applicable to measurement instruments throughout their service life. This inspection is carried out at several stages (design, production, service) and polices bodies that are designated, notified or approved by the public authorities according to the criteria specified in the regulations.
The inspections may be carried out, for example, on measuring systems for liquids other than water, such as fuel pumps, or on automatic and non-automatic weighing instruments, such as supermarket scales, etc.